Summer Self-Soothing Ideas

RelaxationSoothing with the Five Senses

Self-soothing is a key part of self-care. The goal of self-soothing is to comfort yourself emotionally and physically by doing things that are sensually pleasant and not harmful. Self-soothing is a mindfulness practice when you are focusing your full attention on the feelings being experienced by your five senses. By being fully present on what you are experiencing in the moment, you will be able to get you outside of your head and away from troubling thoughts, feelings, and impulses.

Here are some ideas on how you can practice self-soothing this summer.

Vision: Plant some bright flowers in your garden. Go on a hike and notice the trees and flowers. Watch the stars on a clear summer night. Attend a summer art festival.

Hearing: Listen to music at an outdoor concert. Go to the beach and hear the sounds of the ocean. Listen to the crackling of firecrackers at a Fourth of July festival.

Smell: Buy some flowers with vibrant fragrances at the Framer’s Market. Take in the savory smells at a barbecue this summer. Bake an apple pie.

Taste: Sample some summertime fruits. Mindfully eat an ice cream or a popsicle. Sip a cold smoothie. Let a piece of dark chocolate melt in your mouth.

Touch: Soak your feet in the pool. Walk barefoot in the sand at the beach. Apply suntan lotion to your skin. Feel the heat of the sun on your body.