Client Progress

Here are quotes from clients about their progress and how therapy is helpful to them.

“I am the driver of improving. It’s up to me to put time and focus on my goals. Sessions have helped reiterate this and put a framework about them. Therapy has been a good use of my time.” Female manager, age 32, GAD and OCD

“The session summaries are helpful. I print them out and read them several times during the week. This is something other therapists do not do.”- Male physician age 59, health anxiety and perfectionism

“I need to accept uncertainty. I can’t know for sure what this is and it’s okay not to know. There’s a 0.000001% chance it’s something bad. I need to assume it is a panic attack but do not look for other explanations. I need to stop trying to explain symptoms. I can reduce body scanning. I will stay away from reassurance seeking. I will use the Turning the Mind skill to focus on coping skills. I can handle this.” – Female teacher, age 45, anxiety and panic

“I have learned I need to stay calm and let my daughter figure it out. She needs to find her own way of coping. We need to be more mindful of how to take care of ourselves.” Female business woman, age 45, anxiety about her daughter’s anxiety

“Looking at images during exposures is not really horrible. With positive self talk, I can work through the harder images. There are good resources to help with my anxiety. There are things that can help me get rid of it. Doing exposure has helped a good amount. This is on the right track. It is helpful to use the imagery.” – Teen boy age 14, emetophobia and anxiety